
Seth Sticco
E-mail: sethn@snsware.net
Programming Languages
- Visual Basic 6.0, Visual Basic .NET
- C#
- Java
- Oracle PL/SQL
- JavaScript
- some C/C++
- limited Perl
- The Chubb Institute, Parsippany, NJ
Diploma, Web Development and Business Programming - 2002
- Monroe County Area Vocational Technical School, Bartonsville, PA
Diploma, Computer Technology - 2000
- Pleasant Valley High School, Brodheadsville, PA
Diploma, High School - 2000
Computer Experience
Former AllExperts Expert (in Visual Basic)
- Had to stop, due to a lack of time
- Designed and developed a personal website marketing free programs
- Designed and developed the software on the website
Picture gallery
- Made a private website to be viewed by myself and my friends, but it is a good example of Website Development.
- It uses PHP and MySQL
- Please send me an email if you wish to view it
Another picture gallery
- This one contains pictures from a one-week trip
- It uses PHP and MySQL
- Please send me an email if you wish to view it
Wrote a number of programs for a school that were put to use, including the following:
- Careerfest Program - Maintains the list of students going to careerfest, automatically assigns 3 careers for each student to explore, based on their choices, and prints out nametags, lists for each school sending students, and rosters for instructors showing the students attending
- SendLetter - Sends letters home to parents of students with over 5 absences every five absences
- Absence Program - Displays days a student was absent in an easy to understand visual format, allowing corrections where needed
Computer Programmer at LS Fitness Studio
- Designing and maintaining a computer program that keeps track of clients, appointments, etc.
- Maintaining the company website (www.LSFitness.com)
Part-Time Consultant at LS Fitness Studio
- Designed and developed company website (www.LSFitness.com)
- Designed, developed, and tested a Visual Basic program to maintain mailing lists and create mailing labels
Part-Time Consultant at L&L Pest Control
- Developed, tested, and maintained a program in Visual Basic, which keeps track of clients, creates invoices, creates mailing labels, and other tasks
- Graduated from Chubb Institute with a 4.0 average
- Eighth Place at FBLA State Competition for Economics
- Second Place at FBLA Regional Competition for Economics
- Third Place at VICA District Competition for Computer Programming
- Listed in Who's Who at American High Schools 1999-2000 edition